Looks as if Spring is just around the corner! The daffodils we planted last fall around the trees on the street are starting to peek through the ground. (We planted 5 per tree and they won't bloom for a month or so, but you can see what they will look like in a couple of years at the top of Hancock Ave. Hopefully, the ones we planted last fall will do the same as the years go by.)
Our new landscaping company, Altera Landscaping, will start work in March. After meeting their owner, Rick, we're confident they'll do great work. We're looking forward to working with Altera.
Now is a great time to pick up some colorful primroses to brighten up your doorway. (You can buy 10 of them in a pack at Costco for $7.99.) You don't need to do anything except maybe put a saucer under them and water them once in a while. But they'll give you lots of pleasure and remind you that Spring is coming. If you want to, you can buy a larger pot, some potting soil, and replant the primroses in it. Later in the season, you can replace the primroses with something else in your pot. It gives you something nice to come home to.
If you have ferns outside your house, you can help them look better by cutting off the old, brown fronds with a pair of scissors. The new fiddleheads will come out of the center of the plant. In just 5 minutes you can keep your ferns looking great this year!
The Landscape Committee will start work in a month or so to continue adding shrubs around the utility boxes. We're looking for free shrubs to do the job. And we'll be raising money for plants at the Snoqualmie Ridge garage sale in May, so save your stuff if you'd like to help us out with donations.
Lowes has their new shrubs out, so if you want to change what is in front of your house look for something new and then give me a call. All changes in landscaping require Board approval, but it's easy and I'll be glad to help you out. We have a list of approved plants you can choose from that is very large and if you choose something from the list it's virtually a done deal.
Please give me a call anytime if you have any questions: (425) 441-8162. And...dont' step on the daffodils as you get out of your car on the east side of Hancock. :)
Sue Swanson, Chair
Mt. Si Cottages Landscape Committee