Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Keeping garbage can lids secured

Please remember: you MUST keep garbage can lids secured tightly. Straps are good; Cans with locking lids are great. But regardless of what you choose, lids need to be secured tightly.

When wind blows hard -- like it did last Monday night -- cans can blow over and trash can get spread around (especially on garbage day when the cans are on the street!). It looks bad when trash is scattered around (and it can attract rodents) so please keep your lids secured.

(Big thank you to the homeowners who took it upon themselves to clean the trash out of the wetland along our west side.)


  1. Yeah, it's freaking disrespectful of people to let their trash blow everywhere and not clean it up. Unbelievably disrespectful! Keep it clean people.

  2. Thank you to those who cleaned!

    I don't understand why its always the same three cans on their sides- and I doubt those are the home owners out picking up!

    Maybe we can organize a litter sweep in early spring - the areas around the drainage ponds and parking lots are full to stuff!

  3. Thank you, neighbors, for cleaning up the trash.


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