Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Keeping garbage can lids secured

Please remember: you MUST keep garbage can lids secured tightly. Straps are good; Cans with locking lids are great. But regardless of what you choose, lids need to be secured tightly.

When wind blows hard -- like it did last Monday night -- cans can blow over and trash can get spread around (especially on garbage day when the cans are on the street!). It looks bad when trash is scattered around (and it can attract rodents) so please keep your lids secured.

(Big thank you to the homeowners who took it upon themselves to clean the trash out of the wetland along our west side.)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

More Landscaping Progress!

The beautification of our community will continue this Saturday (Nov. 28)!

Volunteers are going to put in additional plants around some of the utility boxes, as part of the approved landscaping plan. Check out this truckload of donated (yes, free!) boxwood bushes! They're awesome! Thanks to Sue Swanson, Caddy Swanson & Wendy Pynn for digging 'em out & transporting them here. The Landscape Committee plans to plant these around 3 utility boxes on Saturday.

If you can help, just gather on Hancock at 9:15 am on Saturday (in front of the utility boxes planted last month), and we'll git 'r done! Everyone is invited!

As before, no HOA funds will be used for this new landscaping.

The Landscaping Plan was presented by the Landscape Committee and approved at the November Board meeting. The approved plan includes a master landscaping plan, identified priorities, an approved plants list, and a funding plan (which does not require HOA funds). To learn more -- or to learn how plantings like these can be added near your home -- please contact Sue Swanson (Committee chair) or Jason Pynn (Board member).

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Board Meeting: Budget & Dues!

November's board meeting will be held Monday, Nov. 16, at 6:30 p.m., at the Snoqualmie Library.

As always, any interested homeowner is invited to attend!

One main topic of discussion will be the 2010 budget and homeowner dues. Your board has been working hard on this over the past few months -- and this November board meeting will likely be the final discussion before the budget ratification to be held in December. If you want to participate in this discussion you're encouraged to attend!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Rodent Problems?

Are rodents a problem around your home or vehicle?

Unfortunately, rodents are difficult to control since we live in a wooded area (and impossible to completely eliminate). Rodents seek shelter & food -- so they will try to nest in unsealed crawl spaces & unattended cars, especially if they can find even the tiniest food source. And professional rodent control is very expensive -- and experience shows that even the best control is not entirely effective.

Fortunately there are some simple things we can each do:
  • For HOMES, we should be sure that crawlspace vent screens are intact. Rodents can easily get in through broken vent screens.
  • For VEHICLES, it helps to carefully clean all food crumbs & wrappers out. This stuff attracts rodents & makes a car an inviting home. It is also smart not to leave your car sitting for several days; it's good to drive it (or at least move it) frequently. Sedintary, unattended cars are rodent targets.
  • For OUR NEIGHBORHOOD, it's important that we all take steps to prevent & pick-up wind-blown garbage. This stuff gives rodents a buffet to enjoy, and makes them feel right at home. We must all use straps (or locking lids) on garbage cans to keep them tightly shut & garbage in.
Homeowners are welcome to try traps or sticky boards inside their homes or vehicles. (Poison is also an option, but poison can often cause rodents to die in a crawlspaces -- a stinky problem, worth avoiding.)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Great New Landscaping!

HUGE thanks to the landscaping committee for the great, new landscaping on Hancock! (It disguises the utility boxes on the west side of Hancock Ave, half-way down the hill.)
Ten wonderful homeowners volunteered a portion of their Saturday morning on Oct. 24 to plant this beautiful landscaped bed.
No HOA funds were used, and all costs were covered by funds raised during the Spring Garage Sale. If you want to learn how similar plantings can be added near your home, please contact Sue Swanson (Landscape Committee Chair) or Jason Pynn (HOA Board Member).

This is the first of several projects likely to come, and the committee's first landscaping priority is planting around all of the unsightly utility boxes.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Do you get the e-mail blasts?

Are you getting the e-mail blasts? (Hint: the last one was sent on 10/26, titled "Mt. Si Cottages: Snow Removal Plans". If you didn't get this email, you're probably not).

You'll want to be sure you get these. These e-mails are the best way to receive important alerts, because we don't budget for frequent newsletters.

If you don't receive these e-mails, please confirm that CWD has your correct email address(es) on file:
  • To check, just log in to the CWD website, click "Directory" and verify your information -- (You can also check by calling Sandy Cobb, our association manager.)
  • You can add/change your e-mail address by notifying Sandy Cobb, at 206-706-8000.
  • To avoid spam filters, confirm that is added to your e-mail's "safe list".

Friday, October 16, 2009

Snow Removal

Winter will be here before we know it!

If it snows like last year, we want to communicate the Association's snow removal plans early. (Remember how crazy last December's snow storms were?!?!) Here goes...
  • Professional snow removal will not be hired. (We explored this last year, but plowing could cost thousands of dollars, and the plow company will not take responsibility for any damage they cause to your vehicle.) The city plows the streets, but the parking lots & walkways are up to us.
  • Homeowners are encouraged to work together to keep walkways clear, and make parking lots accessible. We recommend that each home purchase an inexpensive snow shovel, and be prepared to pitch in when help is needed.
  • Homeowners are requested to shovel the walkways in front of their homes within 24-hours of snowfall. If you need help, please contact the Board & we will try to help connect you with willing volunteers (or hired help).
  • Please let the Board know if you are willing to serve on a volunteer snow removal committee, or if you are available for hire. Our community can use this information to organize ourselves for snow removal.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

23 Trees!

Update: Planting will begin on November 16th.

Quadrant Homes is replacing 23 dead (or dying) trees throughout our community (at no charge to the HOA), thanks to the big effort of two homeowners!

Thanks to Doris Shelton for educating the Association about the bond that qualifies us for these replacement trees. And thanks to Sue Swanson for working hard with the City of Snoqualmie & Quadrant Homes to makes sure these trees get replaced. Great work Doris & Sue!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Budget Philosophy

The Board has adopted this budgeting philosophy. It will guide our budget decisions on the 2010 budget.
  1. We will use the least amount of funds to obtain maximum benefits.
  2. We will protect home values, and maintain our community’s established standard of living.
  3. We will enhance home values where possible, while remaining true to our community’s origin as an “affordable community”.
  4. We will encourage a sense of community, and look to homeowner volunteerism as a means of maintaining standard of living and keeping assessments as low as possible.
  5. We will properly insure the Association.
  6. We will adequately fund our Reserves, for planning purposes and to protect against special assessments in the future.
  7. We will use a zero-based budget approach (which assumes a $0 starting point for all line items, and requires each to be justified before we fund it).
  8. We will remain open to homeowner recommendations & input.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Garbage Can Bandits

Apparently a few garbage cans have disappeared from our street after being left out for garbage day. (At least three homes have reported this.) Please be on guard. You might consider marking your cans with your house number so they're identifiable.

And a related reminder: with windy fall days here, it's important that we each strap our lids down (to keep trash from blowing all over). This will help keep our community clean.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Join the Conversation! 2010 Budget Input

The Board is currently reviewing the 2010 Budget -- and we welcome any input & recommendations about how & where our HOA money should be spent.

The Board is always interested in ways to save HOA money, to keep assessments low.

Often homeowners ask "where is all my money going?" and "what are my assessments spent on?" Here's a pie-chart to help answer this question, visually (based on the current 2009 Budget):

Please tell us:

What do you want the Board to consider when building the 2010 Budget?

Perspective (continued)

Some people have asked for more explanation of the September 12 post titled "Perspective", which detailed that Mt. Si Cottages is a $12 million corporation. Here is some more perspective.
  • This corporation's largest financial asset is our property. This has a value of more than $12 million.

  • We have annual revenues of nearly $120,000 (from assessments).

  • We have annual expenses of nearly $89,000. (It takes a lot of money to run a $12 million corporation, even when we spend every penny carefully.)

  • We currently save nearly $31,000 into our reserve fund each year (i.e. "savings account"). This money is set aside for major repairs & scheduled projects that will cost us a lot of money in future years. (A healthy reserve fund is important. It helps ensure that we wont get charged special assessments down the road. And it is critical for resale values -- because Lenders expect healthy reserves before they'll lend someone money to buy your house.) ** The Board is currently studying our reserve fund closely, to ensure that we adequately fund it. **

  • Our corporation has 44 owners. (These are the 44 homeowners).

  • The owners elect a Board of Directors, responsible for overseeing the management of the business.

  • Every owner shares in the success or failure of this business.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Message From Your Landscape Committee

My thanks to everyone who helped with the garage sale. We netted $230, which was really great seeing we only gave people 4 days notice!

Our goal is to find ways to lower the landscaping costs the HOA is paying (so we can put more of that money into the Reserve) while at the same time enhancing the plantings around the cottages. We'll be doing that by finding free plants, doing the extra planting ourselves and possibly some of the maintaining of the beds. This will be Mt. Si Cottages-wide project that you will be able to join if you are interested.

I'd like to thank the four members of the Board who helped with the garage sale by donating and/or manning the tables--Dawn Davis, Lynette Erb, Megan Roberts (who is expecting any day!) and Jason Pynn's wife Wendy. Bill Erb donated his truck and time to get the leftovers to the Goodwill truck.

Also, thanks to the members of the Landscape Committee who made it all happen: Cara Axe (let us use her super location), Julie Hopkins, Wenda Miller, Ron Sajjad, Doris Shelton and Paige Weed. Thanks also to Viera Baran, Shauntel Hart and Dana Guinn who offered items for the sale.

This was a great community effort--it was fun to get to know each other and you'll be able to see the results in the new plantings around the utility boxes (pending approval).

We'll do this again with the spring ROA garage sale and give you more warning.

Please let me know if you want to help with the Landscape Committee--25% of our homeowners took part in the garage sale! Way to go!

Sue Swanson, Committee Chair

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Here's some valuable food for thought. There are 44 homes in our community. Let's assume an average home-value of $280,000. Think of that. This means we are each invested in a $12.3 million corporation (44 homes x $280,000). And every act of this corporation impacts our lives directly.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Join the Conversation! Board Meetings

Thanks to anyone who's ever come to an HOA Board meeting. Community involvement is great (and so, so important).

For those who haven' t come (or don't come regularly) we're curious what keeps you from coming. Check out the new poll to the right, and select your reasons. (Or leave us comments on this Blog post.) Thank you!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Landscaping ideas (and helpers!) needed

A Landscaping Committee was officially formed at the August 17 Board meeting. This new committee has an important role in maintaining & improving the landscape of our community -- helping to maximize our home values!

Anyone is welcome! Share your ideas, ideas, ideas! Sue Swanson is the committee lead, Jason Pynn is the Board representative and six others have already volunteered to serve. Volunteers will be needed to help plan, make recommendations to the Board, plant, and maintain any newly planted areas.

To join the fun -- and participate in planning meetings or planting parties -- contact Sue Swanson at 425-441-8162.

Early ideas include:

Landscaping around unsightly utility boxes.

Planting between homes to beautify & "screen" barked areas.

Enhancing the sparse landscaping in beds in front of homes.

Adding flowers (bulbs) beneath the trees along Hancock.

Replacing the dead/missing plants & trees that are no longer under warranty by Quadrant Homes.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Join the Conversation! Pest Control.

Some homeowners have recently voiced concern about "bug problems" in our community (particularly hornets & ants). Consider this:
  • Hornets have been a big problem recently. As of last week, of the 44 homes in Mt. Si Cottages, 37 homes had at least two nests visible. Fourteen homes had three or more nests. One cottage alone had 9 hanging nests! Yowsa! Late last week we had an exterminator remove these nests, to hopefully resolve the concern.

  • Most homes have ants around the foundation. Since we live "in the wilderness", this is pretty common. But some homeowners are concerned that ants are getting inside. Fortunately they are not destructive ants, but they can be annoying.
How big of a problem do you think the bugs are? Considering the VERY high cost of pest control, is pest control something to prioritize in the budget? (Or to allocate money from the emergency fund for?) Or, would you prefer to use the money for other things?

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Do you have bees or wasp nests? Please call The CWD Group at 206-706-8000 and ask to speak with Sandy to report the locations of the nests. The pest control company is coming to Mount Si Cottages on Friday, August 21st so please let CWD know as soon as possible if you know of any nests that need to be removed.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Join the Conversation! HOA Priorities?

Our community is impacted by decisions from budgeting to landscaping, rule enforcement to social activities -- and everything in between. Decisions in these areas impact our quality of life, resale values and household pocketbooks. Very important stuff.

Please tell us:
  • What issues are the most important to you?
  • What do you think the HOA Board's top 3 priorities should be?

Join the Conversation! Community Polls.

Your HOA Board needs to hear from you. Your feedback is the only way HOA decisions can align with community priorities. Your Board will post questions on this blog, and ask for your feedback. New polls and questions will be added often! Check out the "Join the Conversation" polls to the right! Topics include landscaping, committes and rules & regulations.

A helpful resource

Did you know our management company (CWD Group) has a web page dedicated to Mt. Si Cottages? It's worth a visit! Here's a glimpse of what you'll find:
  • Questioning the rules? Find rules & regulations, bylaws, newsletters, etc.
  • Wondering what's going on? Find meeting minutes -- to see what's being discussed at board meetings.
  • Need to call a neighbor? Find a directory for contact information. (You can also voluntarily share information about yourself, and find other neighbors with common interests such as hobbies, clubs, etc.) Since the website is secure, only association members have access to this information.
  • Something broken? Report a repair issue within the community.
  • Contact the Board
  • Contact the CWD Group
  • Need a baby-sitter (or want to baby-sit)? Have something to sell? Post a classified, or find out about items for sale, lost and found, babysitters, etc.
  • View your dues-payment history

The site is secure, so you need to login (or register if it's your first time -- it's easy!).

The web site address is:

Tell us in the comments if you think the CWD web site is helpful.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Welcome to the new Mt. Si Cottages' Blog!

This new blog exists to help make our neighborhood a great place to live! Its purpose is two-fold:

  1. To be a place where your voice can be heard! Share your ideas, comments, questions -- and participate in discussions to help align HOA decisions with the priorities of our community.
  2. To provide you with the latest Mt. Si Cottages community news. Check-in frequently for important information, like upcoming meetings and events.

Tell us: What features would make this Blog a useful resource for you?